Detalhes, Ficção e baby gear

“We initially bought a single stroller from a different brand, not expecting baby number two so soon after number one so we needed something that we could use with both kids. I was torn between this and another comparable stroller but happy we went with Mockingbird! It was affordable and had all of the features we could want and need. We were able to clip our daughter’s Nuna Pipa in and have our young toddler comfortably in his own seat and it was still easy to maneuver.

We rented a double stroller for the week while visiting Disneyland, and loved it. Great customer service, timely delivery, and nice stroller (we used the city mini GT double with a 5 yr old and 3 yr old).

Normally, I'm not sentimental, but those early days of motherhood are unique. It was different from anything else I've done in my life. These clothes weren't just a piece of them, but a piece of myself.

I saw the Doona online one day and thought wow that’s an awesome gadget and I wasn’t even pregnant or thinking about being pregnant at the time. But I never forgot the name!! I recommend it to everyone I know and strangers alike….love love love this car seat/stroller!” — MamaKenz

I’m not someone who usually splurges on the most high-end baby products but having bought a cheaper stroller for my first child I knew I wanted something better engineered and so far feel I got what I paid for with this stroller and am so happy I made this choice.” — Alex M.

Don’t forget about the baby gym - it’s a must-have for stimulating your baby’s senses and encouraging them to explore their world.

We recommend the best baby walker for little ones to push, not those they sit in. With fewer safety concerns, pushing walkers can help encourage little ones to walk more and build their skills in a fun way.

Here is our baby gear list, including all the favorites we'd recommend to a friend getting ready to launch into the wonderful world of parenthood.

Baby skin is sensitive and needs a little help to keep it healthy and smooth. The best baby lotions have few additives and are fragrance-free; after all, babies smell great all on their own.

Con: Multiple pieces to put together every time you get in and out of the car. It doesn’t sound terrible until it’s raining and you have two babies in the car screaming and you just want to go home lol.” — Melanie S.

with a baby in tow) or for a city family who uses rideshares or rental cars regularly. It’s also great if you’re a minimalist who’s trying to cut down on the amount of baby gear you need, especially during the first year.

If you’re planning on having multiple children close in age, you may want to consider a convertible stroller from day one instead of registering for a single stroller and then having to purchase a double shortly after.

We utilized insight from the Babylist editorial team, including me, Gear Editor Jen LaBracio, an expert in the baby space for over six years and Rent strollers a mom of two who has written hundreds of baby gear guides and personally researched and tested hundreds of baby products, including many strollers.

BOB strollers are a longtime favorite of running parents. The Wayfinder is the brand’s newest addition and a home run for me; the overall functionality, performance and profile make it the best choice for parents who run frequently but also want a jogging stroller for day-to-day use.

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